Pets are cute animals that you use in the game Epic Pet Wars in order to fight. Pets follow two basic game models - they are either engaged in Training or Battle.
List of Pets[]
- Aerobot
- Arcticus
- Baibot
- Bino
- Bisotaurus
- Bombidable
- Buzzlon
- Byzantius
- Cheetar
- Crash Tortle
- Crestfang
- Croco
- Crylon
- Cryptowl
- Damm
- Danke
- Doofie
- Duster
- Foxloom
- Gazeel
- Gilly
- Gore-illa
- Gpysdrop
- Griffus
- H.B.F.S. 2000
- Haibot
- Hal
- Hellram
- Humabear
- Kaleidosnake
- Kawaiiguin
- Kelfaux
- Lazershark
- Lionel
- Lochnest
- Magusbat
- Mantanyst
- Mistacrab
- Moost
- Narguin
- Nudi
- Petradactyl
- Phale Whale
- Pickter Crab
- Pippo
- Plexxi
- Polarstein
- Polar Toad
- Sandmite
- Schleepy
- Skeletron
- Sluggo
- Slydost
- Solaris
- Squishum
- Stegomorus
- Sundevil
- Taztan
- Terminator Rex
- Thrasher
- Tonkie
- Turk
- Udonmutt
- Uzi
- Zoidblargg